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When to Walk Away From Sexless Marriage: A Guide to Finding the Right Time to Say Goodbye

Marriage is a sacred bond between two individuals who have made a commitment to share their lives together. However, over time, the spark between the partners may start to fade, leading to a sexless marriage. A sexless marriage is one where the partners rarely or never engage in sexual activity. While there are many reasons why a marriage may become sexless, it is important to recognize when it is time to walk away. In this article, we will explore the signs that indicate it is time to walk away from a sexless marriage.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Defining a sexless marriage
  3. Signs that it’s time to walk away from a sexless marriage
  4. Seeking professional help
  5. Weighing the pros and cons of staying in a sexless marriage
  6. Conclusion
  7. FAQs


Marriage is not just about companionship, but also physical intimacy. A sexless marriage can lead to feelings of rejection, loneliness, and even depression. While it is easy to assume that a sexless marriage is due to a lack of physical attraction, the reasons can be much more complex. In this article, we will discuss the signs that indicate it may be time to walk away from a sexless marriage.

Defining a Sexless Marriage

A sexless marriage is one where the partners rarely or never engage in sexual activity. While there is no specific number of times per month that define a sexless marriage, it is generally agreed upon that a couple should be engaging in sexual activity at least once a week to maintain a healthy relationship. If a couple has not engaged in sexual activity for six months or longer, it can be considered a sexless marriage.

Signs that it’s time to walk away from a sexless marriage

Lack of intimacy

If physical intimacy has ceased to exist in a marriage, it is a clear indication that something is wrong. If one partner is not interested in physical intimacy and the other partner’s needs are not being met, it can lead to resentment and feelings of neglect.

Communication breakdown

Communication is key in any relationship, and when it breaks down, it can lead to misunderstandings and conflict. If a couple is unable to communicate about their needs and desires, it can lead to a breakdown in the relationship.

Lack of effort

A marriage requires effort from both partners. If one partner is not willing to put in the effort to maintain the relationship, it can lead to feelings of neglect and resentment.


Infidelity can be a sign that a marriage is in trouble. If a partner is seeking physical intimacy outside of the marriage, it can be a clear indication that something is wrong in the relationship.

Lack of emotional connection

Physical intimacy is often a reflection of emotional intimacy. If a couple is no longer emotionally connected, it can lead to a breakdown in physical intimacy.

Seeking professional help

If you are in a sexless marriage, seeking professional help can be a good first step. A therapist can help you and your partner to communicate about your needs and desires, and work through any underlying issues that may be causing the lack of physical intimacy.

Weighing the pros and cons of staying in a sexless marriage

Before making the decision to walk away from a sexless marriage, it is important to weigh the pros and cons. While physical intimacy is an important part of a relationship, there may be other factors that make the relationship worth salvaging. It is important to consider the emotional connection, shared history, and potential for growth in the relationship before making a decision.


While it is important to recognize when it is time to walk away from a sexless marriage, it is equally important to approach the situation with empathy and understanding. Relationships can be complex, and there may be underlying issues that are causing the lack of physical intimacy. Seeking professional help and open communication can help to address these issues and potentially salvage the relationship.

However, if efforts to address the issue have been unsuccessful, and the lack of physical intimacy is causing significant emotional distress, it may be time to consider walking away from the marriage. It is important to prioritize your own emotional well-being and not stay in a situation that is causing significant harm.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Is a sexless marriage always a sign of trouble?

A sexless marriage can be a sign of trouble, but it is not necessarily always an indication that the relationship is in trouble. There may be underlying issues that need to be addressed to restore physical intimacy.

Can a sexless marriage be fixed?

Yes, a sexless marriage can be fixed with the help of open communication, professional therapy, and a willingness to address underlying issues.

How long should a couple wait before seeking professional help for a sexless marriage?

There is no set time frame for seeking professional help for a sexless marriage. If physical intimacy has ceased to exist, and efforts to address the issue have been unsuccessful, it may be time to consider seeking professional help.

Is it possible to have a happy marriage without physical intimacy?

While physical intimacy is an important part of a marriage, it is not the only factor that determines happiness in a relationship. Emotional intimacy, communication, and shared values are also important factors in a happy marriage.

What are some common causes of a sexless marriage?

Some common causes of a sexless marriage include communication breakdown, lack of emotional connection, health issues, and stress.

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